Well here it is December the 1th and as usual haven't posted a thing. I have had some problems uploading images so gave it up for a while but am now back into the swing of it I hope.
It has been quite a hectic past month: framing for the Wild Women show in Reno, going to openings (of which I had 3 in one week in various parts of the state), going to Cave Junction to visit my guy, going to Seattle to visit his grandchildren and help hang sheet rock at their house, then back to CJ then back to Reno and finally to collapse at home. Fortunately for me although it was snowing the day I returned to Tusca it cleared up and has been open weather but somewhat cold. I spent the Thanksgiving holiday with friends in Elko and in Halleck, and am now home trying to get ready for more travels for the Christmas holiday. Above are a few recent paintings. I am so hoping to get myself back into the studio to get some decent work done. I have high hopes for some projects hopefully to be revealed in This Space at a further date...
More later, and sooner!