We have snow! And the skiing has been awfully nice. For the most part. I must say that all the snow makes it difficult to pack my truck for shows as I cannot get my truck to my house. Fortunately I was able to bribe my neighbor up the hill to plow me a track about a week ago all the way to my front gate and I was able to pack 2 shows at one time. Boy am I glad I did that! Jerry only had about a foot to plow through; the next day we started getting a series of storms that added another 2 feet or more. As a result of Jerry's labors I was able to get to Elko to hang the show at DuncanLittleCreek with the rest of the WildWomen; and the following week go to Reno to hang the claynichols gallery show and attend the reception there. It was really nice, Jackie and Jeannie did a beautiful job putting my work in their space (fancy that, they didn't want me around to hang the work!). I think there is a picture on claynichols.com . My furniture looks really nice and the paintings look great on their walls.
The valentine is for the Sheppard Gallery Invitational Valentine Auction at UNR in Reno next month. Please go, the valentines that everyone makes are so much fun!
Am off to the Keddy Ranch tomorrow to finish a welding project with Susan, hopefully we will be able to display her (it) on the sidewalk at DLC during the Gathering. Pictures after it is done...
And more later! Pack the truck for the Cowboy Poetry Gathering Closing Celebration at DLC Feb 1 and 2; Hang a show in Fallon March 1; take down the claynichols show March 2 or so; give a workshop in Fallon March 27, take that show down March 28 and home again! At some point in time I will actually have time to make work, breathe, get myself collected,and start working on some other projects. Happy days all!
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