Well as usual I haven't put a thing on the blog for a while. Life gets so busy out in the boondocks!
I am thinking that spring is springing: I can see dirt (mud) in many areas of my yard now, and have actually seen real flowers. One lovely yellow crocus opened amazingly yesterday. It had only emerged from the ice the day before. And I have a few of the Mysterious Blue Guys. I have no idea what they are but will put in some pix when I get them taken later today.
There has been alot of travel in my life during these winter months: I have been hanging shows and taking shows down and visiting in Oregon. I went to Virginia City for a "tiny books" workshop in February. I am hoping that I will be able to incorporate some of my new skills in my work. Upcoming travels include Fallon (tomorrow through Friday) to give a workshop and pick up a show. Also in the future but not nailed down date-wise are a trip to Tucson and hopefully a Spanish immersion course in Mexico.
happy days to all and happy spring.